10th March 2022
Minutes of the meeting of the Fulstow Parish Council held in the Fulstow Village Hall on Thursday 10th March 2022
In attendance: Fred Butt, Fiona Pinder, N. Larder, N. Pike, R.Lawson, M. Leonard N.MacDonald, Cllr E Mossop
Apologies: A. Hall ( delayed apologies S.Flynn)
- Declaration of personal/prejudicial interest: none were received
- Resignation from post of clerk by Fiona Pinder was accepted
- N.P. To work on neighbourhood plan
- The wood effect plastic bench is suitable for public and roadside use; could purchase 2? One on the corner and one on the verge near L.Jacklin property.
- N.P. To create an invoice for M.Marshall
- Planning application N/056/00202.. land north of the Wendy House. No reason to object as it’s internal changes.
N/118/00196/22..ground mounted solar PV array Marshchapel; for info only so the PC have knowledge of said proposal.
- N.P.submitted Bullgrass on line
- Precept raised to £4100 and agreed by PC; minimal amount to council tax. N.P. In charge of this and PC to create a budget to decide how money will be spent.
- Suggestions: enhancement at the start of the village
New litter bins in black and gold ; we purchase and request
Council to empty
Paint white the wood panels by Millway to slow the traffic
- A.O.B.
R.L. Wife Michelle has volunteered to take over as clerk on a temporary basis. Assistant town clerk Maria and Nadine on hand to advise .
Residents at the Manor want a slate roof but no other slate roofs in the area? Because it was listed and at that time had a slate roof.
N.P. .. Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea on Friday 3.6.22 .. May be for over 70s to keep down cost plus 70= years of reign for our Queen( as pointed out by R.L.
Check with highways re getting 30mph all round the Grift and stress it is heavily used by children, cyclists and dog walkers on a regular basis. Then also PC can request more dog poo bins.N.P. To see if process can be set in place.
After 30 years of service, Fred Butt is to step down as chairman… thank you Fred.
N.L. To step in as Chairman
R.L. As Vice Chairman
Proposed by N.P. And seconded
Next meeting Thursday 21st April 2022