27th January 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Fulstow Parish Council at the village hall on Thursday 27th January 2022.

Apologies: N. Larder, M. Leonard, E. Mossop

In attendance: Fred Butt, Fiona Pinder, Nicky Pike, Rob Lawson, Stuart Flynn, M . MacDonald

  1. Declaration of personal/prejudicial interest: none were received.
  2. The neighbourhood plan was discussed; compare Fulstow with other villages in order to declassify Fulstow from a medium to small village.
  3. NP showed details of a robust plastic bench seating 3 people, to put halfway round the Grift. The bench looks like wood but RL is to research if it is suitable for public use, conforming to British standards.
  4. NP to investigate who the land belongs to. Steve?
  5. Planning permission for the excavation of land to form a wildlife pond has been passed despite strong objections from the Parish Council.
  6. RL signed acceptance of office
  7. Payment received for £282.14, Bullgrass charity. Invoice to be issued.
  8. Posts on verges are being removed, only one lot remaining.
  9. Next meeting Thursday 10th March 2022