27th January 2022
Minutes of the meeting of Fulstow Parish Council at the village hall on Thursday 27th January 2022.
Apologies: N. Larder, M. Leonard, E. Mossop
In attendance: Fred Butt, Fiona Pinder, Nicky Pike, Rob Lawson, Stuart Flynn, M . MacDonald
- Declaration of personal/prejudicial interest: none were received.
- The neighbourhood plan was discussed; compare Fulstow with other villages in order to declassify Fulstow from a medium to small village.
- NP showed details of a robust plastic bench seating 3 people, to put halfway round the Grift. The bench looks like wood but RL is to research if it is suitable for public use, conforming to British standards.
- NP to investigate who the land belongs to. Steve?
- Planning permission for the excavation of land to form a wildlife pond has been passed despite strong objections from the Parish Council.
- RL signed acceptance of office
- Payment received for £282.14, Bullgrass charity. Invoice to be issued.
- Posts on verges are being removed, only one lot remaining.
- Next meeting Thursday 10th March 2022