12th August 2021

Minutes of the meeting of Fulstow Parish Council held in the Cross Keys Restaurant at 7pm on 12th August 2021

In attendance: Fred Butt, F Pinder, N Larder, M Macdonald, S Flinn, N Pike, Cllr E Mossop and 6 others.

1. Apologies for absence received from Cllr Alex Hall

2. Declaration of personal/ prejudicial interest- none were received

3. Minutes of the meeting held on 24th June 2021 were accepted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman

4. Matters arising; none were raised

5. Signature of contract of employment for F.Pinder as clerk signed by chairman Fred Butt and F Pinder

6. Neighbourhood policing – all duly notified

7. Road closure 14-16 Sept; FP to e mail ELDC re further closures

8. N Pike to e mail LCC re planning application

9. Cheques signed by FB and NL

10. AOB:

a) 12 water leaks reported, 9 fixes

b) Homeowners are liable for any damage incurred to a vehicle by posts erected on the kerbside

c) On Millway a telegraph pole was erected without planning permission- NP

d) A printed version of the newsletter may start when the school reopens and access gained to the printer

e) Cllr Mossop states a kerbside collection for glass may start in September 2022

f) 6 people came to see how the PC runs and were asked to email if they wished to express an interest.

g) Date of next meeting 23rd September