11th June 2020

Minutes of the Meeting of Fulstow Parish Council held remotely on the 11th June 2020 at 7.00pm.


It is presumed that all Councillors were  in  attendance.


  1. Apologies for Absence – none were received
  2. Declaration of Personal / Prejudicial Interest –none were made
  3. Minutes of Meeting held 27th February were accepted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman
  4. Matters Arising – none were made
  5. External Audit of Parish Accounts 2019/20 – the Council approved the signature and posting of the Certificate of Exemption and approved the following :-
  1. Annual Governance Statement
  2. Accounting Statements
  3. Annual Internal Audit Report
  4. Explanation of Variances
  5. Bank Reconciliations
  1. The Clerk was requested by the Council to take up the issues surrounding  the Bottle Bank with East Lindsey
  2.  Date of next meeting – to be arranged