11th June 2020
Minutes of the Meeting of Fulstow Parish Council held remotely on the 11th June 2020 at 7.00pm.
It is presumed that all Councillors were in attendance.
- Apologies for Absence – none were received
- Declaration of Personal / Prejudicial Interest –none were made
- Minutes of Meeting held 27th February were accepted as a true record and duly signed by the Chairman
- Matters Arising – none were made
- External Audit of Parish Accounts 2019/20 – the Council approved the signature and posting of the Certificate of Exemption and approved the following :-
- Annual Governance Statement
- Accounting Statements
- Annual Internal Audit Report
- Explanation of Variances
- Bank Reconciliations
- The Clerk was requested by the Council to take up the issues surrounding the Bottle Bank with East Lindsey
- Date of next meeting – to be arranged